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Book Review: Ramyana: Rise of the Sun Prince

Author- Shubha Vilas
ISBN - 9788184955309
Pages- 256
Binding - Paperback
Publisher- Jaico Publishing House
Price- Rs. 250

The ancient Indian literary masterpiece Ramayana comes in its modern form. Rise of the Sun Prince ( first of 6 volumes)  covers one khand of Ramayana. The narrative closely follows Valmikis Ramayana, gently weaving in folk tales as well as the beautiful analogies of the Kamba Ramayana. Rise of the Sun Prince, takes you through the divine story of Lord Rama from His birth up to His marriage.

Best thing of book is 'Life Lessons' or 'Sutras' on almost every page, which help in relating the story with our own lives. It is intact with the original epic, unlike other recent authors who change story according to their whims and fancies.

From the very beginning, we are taught about the importance of Gods and holy books like Ramayana in our lives. But to be true, no one in today's world cares to go through or even look at such holy works of literature.  The central theme of Ramayana can be seen to be the constant battle between Good and Evil. Its heroes fight those who did not respect Dharma, the reflection of godly law upon society. Magical acts, intense action, and the interaction of humans and animals add to the interest. The author has kept in mind the youth of India and tried to impress upon them the ancient Indian masterpiece of literature. Ramayana teaches us what life is about.

The book is presented in a very lucid manner which keeps reader bound. The author forces your eyes to read laterally and vertically at the same time. Every incident has its parallel interpretation and insight as a footnote. These footnotes helps to understand various aspects and teachings of the book clearly but some footnotes are too lengthy. This book is written very simply yet the narration is very exciting and perfect. You would love to know not only about Lord Rama but also about Vishwamitra and Dasaratha is detail. I loved the way Shubha Vilas has written notes and messages in the footer of the pages. Also the Laws discussed later on makes you a better person while reading the book itself.

Who will like this book?

This book is will be enjoyed mostly by adults who want a simple book to read to their children. It is also a good read for children. Those who want to learn more about what life is about, go for it. If you are a Ramayana 'bhakt' or an avid Hindu, this book is a must in your collection.

About the author

Shubha Vilas, a spiritual seeker and a motivational speaker, holds a degree in engineering and law with specialization in Patent Law. His leadership seminars are popular with top-level management in corporate houses. He also helps individuals deal with modern-life situations by applying the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana and other dharmic traditions.  He periodically interact with youth in premier institutes like IISC, Bangalore, BITS Pilani, Goa, Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Sydnem College and aims to inspire them to live a life based on deeper human values.


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