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Five Facts

Once in youtube there was a viral video called ‘Five Facts’ that spread just like swine flu. Someone uploaded this video and kept tagging his friends on it until he was left without any. The video might have spread like flu because the uploader might have sneezed on his monitor screen. Then the tagged friends did the same but on their own video which had the same title. This video dealt with some basic facts which might be unknown to the viewer. So I thought of creating the same ‘Five Facts’ but this time on blogger. Though this time I am pretty sure that it will not spread like that flu because I didn’t sneezed on the monitor screen. Wait a sec…

Here goes the five facts about me which might be unknown to you.

  • I can solve a Rubik’s cube: Yeah. This is true. I am one of the very few people of the world who can do that. Also I read somewhere, it might be a joke if you come to know about me, that those who can solve a Rubik’s cube are smarter than those who can’t…maybe on an average, I think? Or maybe not. Anyway it’s a good way to impress girls :-P :-D

  • I am a twitter celeb: I was unaware of this fact too until recently. I am the third most followed guy of Lucknow on Twitter with 1,500+ followers. And unlike celebs like Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie and more I have an advantage over them and a good one too. They say that they can’t walk on the streets without getting noticed and this thing is havoc for them. Luckily this is not the case with me.

  • I am a musician: I have playing guitar since I was in the 4th standard and now (the time when I wrote this post) I have given my 10th exams so now I am in 11th, though the results have not been announced yet. So I have been playing guitar for 6 years and also I can play piano, not that good but a bit. And I read somewhere that musicians have a natural advantage over girls, so if any girl of my age is reading this post, your friend request on Facebook is most welcomed.

  • I am not an athlete: Though I can play better than Lionel Messi and Ronaldo when it comes to EA Sports but in real life, I suck at sports. Usually when I go out to play with my friends, then two teams are always created. One consists of good players and the other of bad players. I used to be either the worst player in the “good players” team or the best player in the “bad players” team, which is indeed a very awkward position to be in. People say that I should also play better in real life because I can play virtual games better than most of them. But this doesn’t mean anything. I mean that it is not compulsory that if you play some virtual games then you must do so in the real life too. For instance, if you play GTA, then it doesn’t mean that you must a join a real-life gang and kill people and cause mayhems or if you play War Craft or Age of Empires, then you must assemble your own army and take over the world……….Well I kind of liked the last point very much.

  • Photography: My friends, relatives and parents said that I am good at photography and it is of ‘awesome’ material, often without even seeing my photos. Needless to say, I took them seriously, very seriously indeed. At first my friends thought it as a long joke until they realized that I was not actually rolling on the floor laughing or as in Facebook world- ROFLing. Some were in a state of shock upon hearing that I can take good photographs. Worse, that much good from a simple digicam!  


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